Dennis J. Bonner, MD

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What Is Spinal Decompression System Machine?

Chronic back pain is debilitating. It can leave you desperate for a solution. There can be several reasons why your back, aches in pain when you move. This pain can also be associated with other pains such as neck pain. It can also include problems that cause your arms and legs to ache as well.

You might have tried many treatments and remedies to address this pain but to no avail. It is very difficult to find a treatment for your back pain that is actually effective. However, there have been many doctors who have recommended Spinal Decompression Therapy. This type of therapy has been popular among patients with stubborn back pain as it has been able to yield results. But what exactly is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Spinal Decompression Therapy 

Despite being a victim of bad press the spinal decompression therapy is a great way to address problems such as chronic back pain. It is a treatment that does not include any kind of surgery, it can be considered a non-invasive treatment plan. Spinal decompression therapy relaxes and stretches the back muscles of patients with the help of a decompression table. This treatment is used to heal several different lower back problems such as herniated discs.

The therapy targets a particular spot on your back and expands the muscles and then relaxes them, this helps in removing any problems within the muscles. The same is done for the spine. The therapy pulls at the spine that creates negative pressure within the spine and the disks. This helps the materials that have slipped out to get back in. It also focuses on bringing back the fluids that have escaped that help healing the pain in a better way.

Disc problems are usually the biggest reason why people suffer from chronic back pain. If that issue is resolved most back pains are resolved on their own. To fix the disc issues you do not have to get any surgeries, this therapy is more than enough to alter any problems. The purpose of this pain is to first get rid of the pain and then address the root cause of that pain. The same therapy can be provided with the help of surgery but spinal decompression therapy does not include any surgical procedures which makes it a better choice for many patients. Since the treatment is non-invasive, there are lesser risks involved. It is also more affordable as compared to the surgical counterpart. This type of treatment also has a higher percentage of success as compared to surgery-based decompression.

To deliver this therapy a spinal decompression table is used. Delivering spinal decompression therapy without this table cannot be possible.

Spinal Decompression Table 

A spinal decompression table is a tool that permits the doctors to pull at the spine of the patients while stopping in-between so that the patient does not feel any pain. You can find two different types of spinal decompression tables that doctors use.

1. Cable And Pulley Systems 

The cable and pulley systems use that uses the mechanism to create a pull in the spine. However, these types of tables are not usually recommended in comparison to decompression tables.  

2. Decompression Tables

Decompression tables are the most recommended for their advanced technology. This table is made of two different portions. One is for the upper body while the rest is for the lower body. The two portions pull away, therefore, stretching out the spin. Though it does the same thing as the cable and pulley system, it is a lot more convenient for your muscles. It guards them and ensures that they are not hurt in the process.

Since decompression tables are the obvious choice of doctors let's talk more about them.

How Does A Decompression Table Work? 

A decompression table works on the principle of creating a negative intradiscal pressure within the spine. The table is connected to a computer that helps the table move. The technician controls the computer and assesses the condition of the patient. Once the assessment is done they will decide on a program that caters to the needs of the patient. It is important to use the machine in the right settings so that the patients are able to reap the most benefits.

The program chose for each patient depends on their diagnosis. It is also reviewed if you have received any treatments prior to this. The structure of the table allows patients to be strapped to the table using different harnesses. While being strapped to a table can be uncomfortable, it is important to keep the patient in place to avoid any complications during the process. However, the patient's comfortability is well taken care of. To make sure that the patient is not uncomfortable or is lying in an awkward position they are provided with pillows. These pillows not only provide comfortability but also make sure that the spine does not move from its place.

The decompression starts when the two portions of the table begin to move away from each other. The pull works on poundage between 5 to 100 pounds. It all depends on the physical aspects of the patient. The bigger and heavier the patient is the heavier the decompression protocol they will have.

At the bottom of the table, you can find sensors. These sensors help the doctor see what exactly is happening with the muscles and if they are resisting. The table stretches the spine and because of that negative pressure is created between the spinal discs and that helps the discs to reposition themselves properly. This helps patients relieve pain. Further on, the fluid also goes back to its place that focuses on healing. Once the treatment is complete, the fluids can further help the spine to heal itself.

For a human body, it is abnormal to stretch the spine. This is why it resists the stretch and to combat that we have already discussed the sensors. If the technician finds out how well the body is resisting the stretch they can come up with a regimen that works for them. To get the therapy in the best way possible and without any complications, you must follow the protocol designed.


Each patient will have a unique protocol that they might have to follow. The protocol essentially depends on the symptoms of the patient. You are first required to make a visit to the doctor and they will then come up with an analysis of your condition and decide whether you qualify to get a decompression treatment. The assessment includes a collection of complete medical history as well as any x-rays and MRIs.

Once the doctor has the complete data they will come up with a protocol depending on your diagnosis and the progression of the problem. They might even come up with the number of sessions you should take. For different types of problems, the table will move in different directions. For instance, if you are struggling with cervical herniated discs, only the top part of the table will move.

Who Qualifies For Spinal Decompression Treatment? 

You may be wondering if you qualify for spinal decompression treatment. Well, anyone who is suffering from back problems that might originate from herniated or perhaps bulging discs is eligible for spinal decompression treatment. However, it is very important to first complete the diagnosis process and make sense of where the pain is originating from. There are certain problems that the decompression treatment does not work for. If the treatment is provided for those particular cases, it can do more harm than good.


Sciatica is the pain in the legs that originates from the lower back. It basically travels down the sciatic nerve and is a high-intensity pain. This problem leaves the patient to be unable to stand or walk. Though it only affects one leg it still makes it difficult for the patient to balance. Patients suffering from Sciatica reap great benefits from decompression therapy.

Herniated Discs 

As mentioned previously, herniated discs can be easily treated with decompression treatment. That is because this treatment helps the disc to be aligned back into its position again. Herniated discs usually occur in the neck and the spine but the pain can stretch to your leg or your arm. 

Spinal Nerve Root 

The nerves often get pinched in-between two discs and that can cause a lot of pain. the pain is mostly felt in the back and the arms. The alignment of the spine needs to be fixed to ensure that the pain goes away and that can easily be done with decompression treatment.  

Worn Out Spinal Joints 

When two joints rub together they get worn out and because of that, patients can be in a great deal of pain. Decompression treatment does not exactly fix the problem but it helps the bones from being further worn out.

Decompression treatment is a great alternative to invasive surgeries that are not only a hassle but also quite expensive. In addition to that, they do not always turn out to be successful which is why spinal decompression treatment is the best possible option.