Dennis J. Bonner, MD



Arachnoiditis & Pain Management


Named after inflammation of the "spider" membrane in the brain, Arachnoiditis is an extremely painful and rare condition. Many patients need individualized treatment to alleviate the pain. It is a neurological condition that causes pain in the perineum- the space between the rectum and the genitals, arms, legs, and feet. Arachnoiditis can also affect sight, vision, and mobility. 

When a traumatic injury damages the protecting tissues of nerves, the spinal cord, and the brain, the condition can develop. As a result, inflammation in the affected areas may occur. There can be numerous other causes of Arachnoiditis that may include infection, injury to the spinal cord, chronic compression, and spinal surgery complications.

If you experience burning and stinging pain in the lower legs and back or tingling and numbness in these areas, they might be Arachnoiditis symptoms. Fortunately, there are ways you can reduce or relieve pain caused by Arachnoiditis and improve impaired functions.

Don't know where to start? The article includes everything you need to know about Arachnoiditis and pain management. 

What is Arachnoiditis - An Overview

As mentioned above, Arachnoiditis is a painful condition when an injury or infection damages the arachnoids. It is typically the part of group membranes that covers or cushions nerves in your spinal cords and the brain. When an injury or a spinal cord surgery damages these nerves, they don't function correctly.

Several thin and delicate tissues (meninges) surround the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Their primary function is to cushion and protect the nerves. The Arachnoid mater, for instance, is one of the essential middle tissues of meninges. If an injury damages these central tissues, they swell and cause inflammation. 

The swelling may cause the delicate nerves in your spinal cord to firmly stick together, alter nerve function, and trigger intense pain. Most of the time, the leading cause of Arachnoiditis is a severe injury. Although there are a few hereditary Arachnoiditis cases, most people experiencing its symptoms have suffered an injury to their spine.

According to medical professionals, Arachnoiditis is a progressive disorder and may deteriorate if not cured or treated timely. A bulk of anecdotal evidence shows Arachnoiditis a debilitating condition, especially when you ignore the symptoms.

Symptoms of Arachnoiditis

The symptoms of this painful condition may vary from individual to individual. They may also change over time. Many people with Arachnoiditis symptoms think it is a joint or muscle injury in the early phase. 

While Arachnoiditis may cause sore joints and muscles, the primary pain source is neurological. Such simple techniques like massaging don't help people relieve the painful symptoms.

Take a look at some of the most common Arachnoiditis symptoms.

• changes in vision

• nerve pain

• muscle or joint pain

• unusual sensations (tingling or burning)

• muscle weakness

• ringing sound in the ears

• change in hearing

• meningitis, or swelling of nerves

Less frequently, some individuals with Arachnoiditis experience the following symptoms:

• swelling of hydrocephalus (a part of the brain)

• inability to perspire or sweat

• uncontrollable or unusual body movements

• chronic fatigue

• urinary problems

• migraines

Types of Arachnoiditis

Doctors and medical practitioners categorize this disorder into many subtypes. Having complete knowledge about Arachnoiditis type an individual has aids doctors in diagnosing the symptoms and treatment options. 

Arachnoiditis can be of the following types;

Adhesive Arachnoiditis: This most progressive and severe type occurs when an individual's nerves in the spinal cord pack together due to an inflamed Arachnoid.

Cerebral Arachnoiditis: It can affect the membranes that surround the brain. In many cases, the condition causes severe migraines and headaches.

Arachnoiditis Ossificans: a patient suffers this condition when the damaged or inflamed arachnoid nerves become hard like a bone.

Neoplastic Arachnoiditis: If you have had cancer, you might develop symptoms of Neoplastic Arachnoiditis.

Hereditary Arachnoiditis: It is one of the rare forms of Arachnoiditis. People may develop this condition due to several genetic mutations in the meninges.

Optochiasmatic Arachnoiditis: This Arachnoid nerve is right behind your optic nerve. If you develop its symptoms, it may cause complete or severe vision loss. 

Major Causes of Arachnoiditis

The leading cause or reason for Arachnoiditis can influence the type you develop. Also, the cause plays an essential role in creating an outlook on a treatment plan. Some of the significant causes of Arachnoiditis includes;

• An injury or complication due to spinal surgery, accounting for about at least 60% of cases

• exposure to drugs and chemicals that can cause damage to the meninges

• Myelography, when doctors inject dye into the spinal column

• Lumbar puncture

• Injection into the spinal cord, such as an epidural

• Bacterial or viral infection of the spine

• Physical trauma or injury to the spine can be a car accident

• Cancer around the spine

Diagnosis of Arachnoiditis

As mentioned above, Arachnoiditis is an infrequent and rare condition; individuals with its symptoms need to undergo plenty of medical examinations and tests. That is why the painful condition takes some time (2 -4 weeks) to diagnose. While Arachnoiditis doesn't have a standard test for diagnosis, many doctors and medical experts use imaging tests. These may include;

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging or (MRI)

• Computerized Axial Tomography scan or (CAT)

Many doctors also use an electromyogram (EMG) to determine how severe the nerves' damage is. This test typically uses strong electrical impulses to assess the functioning of nerves.

Arachnoiditis - Pain Management Treatments

Arachnoiditis is a complex disorder that is not easy to diagnose and treat. Doctors find treating it difficult as the tissues and nerves surrounding the spinal column are delicate and soft. Even small damage around them may cause severe consequences. 

Although it is possible to undergo surgery to reduce the pain, medical experts don't recommend it. Surgery doesn't always make the best option and may expose the spinal cord to more damage. Even if you opt for surgery, the benefits are limited and temporary. 

 Here is a list of treatments and techniques many doctors choose to manage symptoms.

Pain Medications

Your doctor may prescribe you pain medications, including anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs (NSAID), narcotic pain, steroid drugs, and opioids. Know that the correct medications depend on several different factors, such as what other drugs you're already taking and whether you experience its side effects. 

Physical Therapy

Fortunately, there is an array of physical therapy exercises doctors can recommend to ease your Arachnoiditis pain. Exercise therapy not only strengthens your muscles but also helps you manage pain and prevent damage. 

For instance, massage may help reduce tension in muscles due to pain (but don't relieve it completely). Water therapy is another physical therapy technique that temporarily reduces nerve pain. Applying hot and cold packs to the spinal column may also help ease muscle tension and relieve the pain temporarily.

Nerve Stimulation 

Treatments and techniques that involve nerve or spinal cord stimulation may relieve the pain without medication. There can be two promising solutions;

• Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): it is more or less the same technique used in a spinal cord stimulator. TENS' units send electricity to the affected or painful area to improve movement and relieve pain

• Spinal Cord Stimulation: the technique uses an electric device that sends electrical signals to the spine. It offers ongoing pain ease and relief.

Psychological Therapies

There is no denying that living with throbbing chronic pain is difficult. Psychological therapies, in this regard, can help you cope up with the Arachnoiditis symptoms. Therapy is effective in changing your perspective about the pain and offers emotional support.

Moreover, support groups help people with rare diseases and chronic pain deal with the symptoms. By working with these groups, you can find several new pain management resources, share healthy lifestyle remedies, and participate in various activities.

What Else!

Some Alternative Remedies 

While some people can manage and ease Arachnoiditis pain through given techniques, others find relief with remedies that may include lifestyle changes, acupuncture, and different homeopathic medicine. However, experts need more scientific evidence to determine the efficacy of alternative therapies for treating symptoms associated with Arachnoiditis. 

How to Find Arachnoiditis Specialist

You must look for qualified healthcare professionals with extensive experience in the field to seek medical advice. You can find the specialists via clinical trials, advocacy organizations, and articles (related to Arachnoiditis) published in reputed medical journals. 

Contacting a tertiary medical center or university in your city is also a good idea. These centers have often deal with complex cases of Arachnoiditis and have advanced treatment and technologies to treat the disease. 

If there is no Arachnoiditis specialist in your area, contact international or national specialists online. They may be willing to guide you or offer consultation over chat or phone.

Summing Up

In conclusion, people with Arachnoiditis can manage pain but can't cure it. Using the right pain management treatment, you may be able to lead a healthy and normal life. You must change your treatment approach if your symptoms change. Thus, the given details highlight the most effective pain management treatment you can opt to treat Arachnoiditis. 



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